This is a
with quite possibly the greatest and best song in the world...
Tribute Shows are a popular act to book world wide. The challenge is that if you are not compliant with IP and Trademark law, legal action may be taken against you as the venue booking the show.
Below is a check list for you to go through to confirm that every Tribute Show that you book meets legal compliance and all show marketing complies with Trademark Law.
Does the Tribute Band have a registered Trade Mark?
Is the Tribute Band named after a song title of the Original Artist?
Is the name of the Tribute Band similar to the Original Artist?
Does any branding, logos or graphics refer to or is similar to the Original Artist or Original Artist marketing?
Advertising Material
Does advertisement clearly articulate that the Tribute Band is a “Tribute Band” or “Cover Band”?
Is there a disclaimer on the advertising material: This Tribute Show is not affiliated, sponsored or associated with Original Artist?
Is all material which references the Original Artist such as songs include attribution to the Original Artist?
Is any advertising similar to the Original Artist or advertising?
Trademark Owned by the Band
What Trade Marks does the Original Artist own?
What songs is the Tribute Band intending to perform?
Does the Tribute Band intend to modify any of the songs?
Is the Tribute Band selling any merchandise? Does the Tribute Band have a licence to sell the merchandise from the Original Artist?
(VENUE) Does the Venue hold an appropriate licence? See OneMusic or APRA AMCOS.
Is the performance a musical performance OR a production (re: the band dresses up like the band members)? Productions or dramatizations may require a separate licence from OneMusic or APRA AMCOS.
How many songs are being performed by the Tribute Band? Has the Tribute Band confirmed no additional performance licenses are required with OneMusic or APRA AMCOS?
Is the band selling tickets for $40 or more? The band may require an event licence from OneMusic or APRA AMCOS to perform.
Has the band contacted OneMusic or APRA AMCOS to identify if they require any performance licenses?
Could a person who has never heard of either the Tribute Band or the Original Artist consider they are similar or from the same origin?
Nichola Burton is the CEO for The Pushworth Group, the Creative Director for A Little Pitchy, Designer UX for BEATbooks™ The Integrated Solution For The Music Industry.
Nichola Burton Copyright 2023