The Musoverse
The Music Real
Sean Foran – JMC Academy On Line Classes During Lockdown

Sean Foran – JMC Academy On Line Classes During Lockdown

In the Music Real E93, I talk with Sean Foran who is Head of the Department of Contemporary Music at the JMC Academy in Brisbane. JMC are Celebrating 35 years in education, and remains Australia’s leading Creative Industries institution, offering Degrees and Diplomas in Music, Songwriting, Audio Engineering, Film and Television Production, Entertainment Business Management, Digital Design, 3D Animation and Game Design. Sean fills us in on how JMC very quickly had to adapt its music programs to online courses. We talk about what it will be like for JMC students looking forward into a future after the greatest challenge in the Creative Arts Industry in Modern History.

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The Musoverse
The Music Real
Lockdown stopped our industry in its tracks. Between April and December 2020, Pushworth documented this historic precedent with over 200 interviews with Hospitality, Music, Events and Arts icons across the world.
The Music Real is a time capsule – one snapshot in time that changed our industries for good.