The Musoverse
The Music Real
Kate Histon – 20 years and COVID

Kate Histon – 20 years and COVID

In the Music Real E135, I chat with dancer, author and Australian Arts Thought Leader, Kate Histon who recently celebrated 20 years in Dance Dynamics in Byron Bay. We talk about what it was like to move dance classes online during lockdown and the very real emotion and anger of a long-term Arts business being interrupted. Kate shares her vision for her students, discusses her Elevate Dynamics workshops and gives us a sneak preview for her Women in Business workshops.

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The Musoverse
The Music Real
Lockdown stopped our industry in its tracks. Between April and December 2020, Pushworth documented this historic precedent with over 200 interviews with Hospitality, Music, Events and Arts icons across the world.
The Music Real is a time capsule – one snapshot in time that changed our industries for good.