The Musoverse
The Music Real
Clubs Queensland Prepare Live Music Artists for Post Covid Shows with Dan Nipperess

Clubs Queensland Prepare Live Music Artists for Post Covid Shows with Dan Nipperess

In The Music Real E33, the team catch up with Dan Nipperess, spokesman from Clubs Queensland.

Clubs Queensland is the voice behind the changing face of community clubs in Queensland and provides connections and resources for community clubs across Queensland including the areas of education, government representation, training, and what’s new in hospitality and gaming. And especially in this time with lockdown restrictions beginning to ease, Clubs Queensland is leading the way with offering guidance to its members with the Industry COVID SAFE plan and a whole suite of strategies and plan to work in this brave new world post COVID.

We look at the definitions of a Defined Area in a Venue? We look at what a Live Music Artist will need to consider in terms of checking in at a venue for their show, safety induction, set up, perform, interaction with the audience, pull down and load out of a venue. Lots to think about in this new post COVID world.

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The Musoverse
The Music Real
Lockdown stopped our industry in its tracks. Between April and December 2020, Pushworth documented this historic precedent with over 200 interviews with Hospitality, Music, Events and Arts icons across the world.
The Music Real is a time capsule – one snapshot in time that changed our industries for good.